Eat nuts or nut butters? Then reduce cholesterol levels, suppress inflammatory
processes and increase metabolic activity in the body, so you support the so-called healthy
weight. Nuts are a source of quality protein. And that includes the amino acid arginine, which
is simply allowing relaxation of blood vessel walls and reduce blood pressure.
Walnut: king of nuts
Of the many studies based on our normal as the healthiest walnuts. They contain almost
twice more protective antioxidants than other types of nuts.
Antioxidants protect
against damage of cells which are normally involved in cardiovascular and tumor
diseases and premature aging. Walnuts are a rich source of anti-inflammatory
omega 3 fatty acids and those who do not eat fish, it can replace. Nuts can also
promote weight reduction and thanks manganese content and limit premenstrual problems.
The usefulness of other nuts?
Almonds contain the most fiber and nuts are the richest source of vitamin E.
Cashew nuts are an excellent source of iron and zinc
. Iron is essential for ensuring the transmission of
oxygen into cells and zinc is essential for a healthy immune system and vision.
Pecans contain high amounts of antioxidants may reduce the formation of fatty
deposits in the arteries. Recent medical studies, for example, found that intake of pecans
can reduce LDL cholesterol by up to 33 percent.
Just one Brazil nut can supply the recommended daily dose of selenium and example to
New Zealand where there is a lack of selenium in the soil are just Brazil nuts are recommended
to cover this deficiency. Studies indicate that the intake can prevent cancer
Macedonian most nuts contain beneficial fats the nuts. These
healthy fats lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure.
Pistachio nuts have the least calories and because of its shell is their consumption especially
suitable for weight loss, because peeling considerably slows
down the pace and the overall amount
received food. Pistachio additionally contain magnesium, which calms the nerves and muscles and vitamin B6
beneficial to support the immune system and improve mood.
Efficacy studies confirm
The facts do not come from growers of nuts, but summarize the results of scientific studies. In
All are links to two recent studies published in prestigious medical
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