Saturday, 30 August 2014

Health Care Yoga

OM Paramatma, protect and bless us. Give me the strength to pass through our stomach on the way to eternal knowledge. Help me not to viszálykodjunk, and our journey to eternal unity walk around.
Ministry of Peace, peace, peace Paramhans Swami

  Every man desires to live in harmony with themselves and their environment. Today, however, we have to meet many aspects of life growing expectations, physical and

 spiritual sense. As a result, an increasing number of physical and psychological torture em bert tensions, such as stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, more and more people suffer from a one-sided physical exertion and lack of exercise nyeitől consequences. So, in today's era is of particular importance to the methods
and techniques has, which sustained good health and physical, mental, Dell do we get out of harmony. AJóga system in everyday life in order to give a comprehensive method to help ourselves. meet the modern civilization of people's lifestyle, physical and mental problems

 during many years of work at the Western countries. My experience, and I developed based on my recognition aJóga everyday life with agents. This one almost from that promotes a systematic approach that includes all aspects of life and is valuable for all ages.

 Regardless of age or physical classical yoga opens the way to all. The system is developed by taking into account the modern civilization's qualities, and adapted to the needs of today's man of the age-old doctrine - without having suffered ere detisége and its impact reduced. AJóga Sanskrit origin, meaning to join, to the merger.

The yoga exercises in their entirety exert their effect, bring body, spirit, mind and spirit balance. Thus yoga helps in coping with everyday items are problems and worries. Yoga helps to get understanding of ourselves, our lives meaning and relationship to God with a higher level of understanding. Yoga leads the riders on the spiritual path of the individual Self with the Universal Self,

   by the merger of the highest knowledge and everlasting happiness. Yoga is the supreme cosmic principle, the light of life, the universal creative consciousness, which is always alert and never sleeps, and that was always there and will be. swathes of Indian rishis (sages and saints)

  have been explored meditation in nature and thousands of years ago secrets of the universe. They discovered the material world and the spiritual laws of the universe insight into its context. They found the elements of the cosmos and the regularities of nature, of life on earth, the universe, the forces and energies are functioning at the level of the external world and a mental level
 as well. Has been described and explained in the unity of matter and energy, the universe, the formation, operation of natural forces Ove kindergartens. Modern science has been rediscovered and confirmed those findings are. Accumulated experience and knowledge as a comprehensive, all-encompassing system was established, which is called yoga, and is a valuable, practical guidance

  sal for the body, the breath, the concentration, relaxation and in relation to meditation. Recommended the book exercises thus stood the test of thousands of years, and during that time millions of people to be helpful by. AJóga in everyday life is taught worldwide in Yoga Centres,

 schoolchildren caves!, health care facilities, health clubs, sports associations, Reha bilitációs centers and nursing homes. Suitable for all ages and requires no acrobatic skills, and sports not one, disabled, sick, convalescent individuals also allows the yoga exercise.

  The name itself indicates that Yoga can be in everyday life and applied. The exercise levels were doctors and physiotherapists co-operation, according to his counsel worked out why - the rules and precautions listed Betar next tax return - at home independently by anyone . AJóga the daily life of the exhaustive developed a holistic

 approach that takes into account not only the physical but also the mental and spiritual factors. Positive thinking, perseverance, discipline, with supreme effort, prayer, kindness and understanding form the way of self-knowledge and self-realization. AJóga goals in everyday life system - physical health - mental health - social health - mental health - self-realization and the discovery of the divine Self within

 us. achieving these goals means - love and help for all living beings - respect for life, nature and the environment, - a peaceful state of mind - a complete vegetarian diet - pure thoughts, positive living, - physical, mental and spiritual practices -. tolerance of all nations, cultures and religions towards

  Physical health Physical health is one of the cornerstones of our lives. Paracelsus rightly at the time of health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing whole.

  Preservation and restoration of health are physical exercises (asanas are) légzőgyakorlafok (Pranayama) and relaxation techniques. AJóga book in everyday life eight tiers of classic acewhich asarva Hitta Asanas (exercises for everyone) begins. The first level of preparation followed by a further seven levels which are built on one another to keep the asanas and Pranayamas. The basic practices more spe cial program was developed against back pain yoga, yoga for Joints, more time to yoga,

 yoga managers, yoga for kids. AJóga to in everyday life system more valuable exercises to keep healthy, such as hatha yoga cleansing techniques, deep relaxation (yoga nidra), Concentration Exercises (p1. Trátaka) and mudras and bandhas (special yoga techniques). Our health is important factor in the food that we buy ourselves. What we eat, affects your body and mind our habits and character resemblance - in short, the diet affects our whole being. Food is the source of physical energy and vitality.

  A balanced, healthy diet contains carbonate ga, vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, milk, dairy products, honey, sprouts, lettuce, seeds, herbs and spices - fresh, raw or provide mented. Avoided the stale, reheated and denatured (refined) food products, and meat (and all meat products), fish and eggs. Because of the detrimental health effects suk alcoholic beverages, nicotine and drugs also ignore.

 mental health instead of what we would under the control of the mind and the senses, they often are controlled by us. However, to gain control of the mind, for once introspection and internal cleansing is needed. Negative thoughts and phot lelmek disrupt the physical balance and nerve function, causing many

 diseases and suffering. Mental wellbeing is based on purity of thought, inner freedom, contentment and a healthy self-awareness. Thus, trying to gradually overcome the negative qualities and thoughts, and aim to develop positive thoughts and behavior. AJóga everyday life for too many opportunities. The mantragya spells when * the observance of ethical principles, good company

 , thought-provoking books to purify and free the mind. The self-investigation and self-examination of your knowledge is an important tool of meditation. This is based on nothing more than self-introspection and polls, almost from that promotes meditation technique. In implementing relationships with the tudatalattinkkal, desires, our complex, and prejudices viselkedésmintáink source. The practice brings its own understanding of our being - what we are and why we are so into what we are -

  self-acceptance self-actualization. It allows you to get rid of your bad qualities and habits, thereby helping to overcome the difficulties of life. Society Health Social whole village means that while we are happy, others reques pesek are to be happy, have a good relationship

 and communication is maintained with other people in the social We take responsibility for that community property dozunk tree. However, it also means that we are able to relax and experience the beauty of life. drug dependence, for example - one of the most pressing problems of our time to mention - a sign of the lack of social health.

  Alóga daily life assistance this problem can be overcome. New, positive aim, and life a new meaning. A good company will also determine the molds and forms the personality and character, it is crucial to spiritual development. AJóga everyday life system in the spirit of living means that for ourselves and for others working to make valuable and useful work done for ourselves, half of our friends,

 the society, nature and the environment in the world can protect and kéjéért. The practice Yoga means that positive action is exerted and the whole benefit of mankind we work. Healthy soul of the fundamental principles and supreme command of the humanity of the spiritual life reads Ahimsa Paramo Dharma can not hurt - it is the supreme principle That is not to hurt any regard or So, in thought, feeling and action. Mental health it prayer, meditation, mantra, positive thinking and tolerance, can we gain

 . The man should be protectors, not destroyers. Selflessness, understanding and forgiveness are the qualities that really make us human. One of the main teachings of yoga is to respect and protect -ninden manifestations of life. With this we create a broad base of mutual love, help,

  understanding and tolerance - not only in relation to each person .yek, but all people, nations, and religions. AJóga a fundamental principle of freedom of religion in everyday life. Yoga is not .allás, but the spirituality and the source of wisdom, the root of all religions.

 Transcends religious boundaries and showing the way to unity. those seeking spiritual purification aJóga you through your daily life by the mantra and kriya yoga -ága.

 Man as the most advanced creature on earth, able to make their real nature and inner Self, that is, God. spiritual yoga designed to discover the God in ourselves - that is, the individual soul with God. The first step is to recognize the common roots and with God

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