Sunday, 31 August 2014


If Manchester Werk 2012 memorable debut last year after the end of the year confirmed the Tru Thoughts record company, which will appear in a month with the EP's title Beacons.

  Material containing a total of five numbers beharangozójának number Lapwing was chosen, which was now a message devoid of any serious yoga-themed clip as well. (Recently, the popularity of this topic: Paul Woolford latest music video . cats such as yoga can be seen.)

In the video, a desperate mother trying to save her daughter from the TV is flowing Twer-madness and pulled you along a slimming (?) Yoga class. Here then is very, er,

 conscientious yoga instructor all spirituality should use to attract her attention, but in an unexpected turn of events in!

The Lapwing are otherwise at least as entertaining as it made ​​the clip. A little reminiscent of Joy Orbison music first ( hyphen Mngo , So Deron ); same bouncy garage rhythms in a nice fat bass Sokon running, and no shortage of sexy szövegfoszlányok not only just in place of the cool

 szintiszólamok clarinet to saxophone gives the melody - not accidentally slapped back down onto the clarinet with a saxophone and other blow much anyway good relationship  

 with nursing Tru Thoughts. As Werk If he plays a variety of sound, from the  Beacons EP will probably be more like the lapwing interesting pairings.

Professional whole body vibration exercise

Professional whole body vibration exercise therapy body shaping fitness device .
The gentlest and most effective training method of the future!
Move over the entire body without straining a short time!

10 minutes, you can do the run-FLABéLOS about 45-50 minutes of classic, gym work,  without much effort !How is this possible?

The  TTV exchange, the  whole-body vibration , based on an Australian professor who developed the OTO was FLABéLOS. The FLABéLOS shaping wobbly bench-moving series of standing imbalance occurs, which triggers the central nervous system, the brain and instructs all the muscles involved in maintaining the balance of the corrected, that the muscles automatically "hold against"

 . The situation is keeping reflexes are activated, resulting in significant muscle work, ízületeinket and heart at the same time not a burden. All this makes the muscle work occurs independently of our will, and happens so fast that we can achieve up to 10-60 muscle contraction during a single second. This conscious gym circumstances it would be impossible to implement.

Stimulating the whole body, all the muscles and blood vessels, the vertical vibration:
It provides the body a pleasant, but effective cardiovascular workout

It increases the heart rate and metabolism, thereby improving digestion and accelerates quickly burn the calories out of your workouts too!

It increases muscle work endurance, strength and muscle tone
Stopping the loss of bone mass, which is mainly caused by lack of exercise
Improve coordination between the muscles and the blood circulation, provide springiness, improves your sense of balance, which is very important for older people!

Multi-lateral and effectively attack the cellulite and helps the user in achieving a nice testtónus
Reduces acute and chronic lower back pain

Specifically recommended for diabetics because it improves blood circulation to the extremities, reduced by regular use of blood glucose
on. It increases stamina, strengthens the immune system and promotes cell regeneration, increase elastin production, thereby smoothing out the fine lines and makes the skin radiant and healthy

It helps with injuries, diseases due to impaired muscles, joints, rebuilding, so the most effective tool for rehabilitation

The Flabelos help to the following:
Muscle tone and increases the so-called. proprioception, that is, the instant reaction muscle
Load capacity and improves muscle elasticity

Contraindications:  in which case we do not recommend the use of In case of cancer,

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Health Care Yoga

OM Paramatma, protect and bless us. Give me the strength to pass through our stomach on the way to eternal knowledge. Help me not to viszálykodjunk, and our journey to eternal unity walk around.
Ministry of Peace, peace, peace Paramhans Swami

  Every man desires to live in harmony with themselves and their environment. Today, however, we have to meet many aspects of life growing expectations, physical and

 spiritual sense. As a result, an increasing number of physical and psychological torture em bert tensions, such as stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, more and more people suffer from a one-sided physical exertion and lack of exercise nyeitől consequences. So, in today's era is of particular importance to the methods
and techniques has, which sustained good health and physical, mental, Dell do we get out of harmony. AJóga system in everyday life in order to give a comprehensive method to help ourselves. meet the modern civilization of people's lifestyle, physical and mental problems

 during many years of work at the Western countries. My experience, and I developed based on my recognition aJóga everyday life with agents. This one almost from that promotes a systematic approach that includes all aspects of life and is valuable for all ages.

 Regardless of age or physical classical yoga opens the way to all. The system is developed by taking into account the modern civilization's qualities, and adapted to the needs of today's man of the age-old doctrine - without having suffered ere detisége and its impact reduced. AJóga Sanskrit origin, meaning to join, to the merger.

The yoga exercises in their entirety exert their effect, bring body, spirit, mind and spirit balance. Thus yoga helps in coping with everyday items are problems and worries. Yoga helps to get understanding of ourselves, our lives meaning and relationship to God with a higher level of understanding. Yoga leads the riders on the spiritual path of the individual Self with the Universal Self,

   by the merger of the highest knowledge and everlasting happiness. Yoga is the supreme cosmic principle, the light of life, the universal creative consciousness, which is always alert and never sleeps, and that was always there and will be. swathes of Indian rishis (sages and saints)

  have been explored meditation in nature and thousands of years ago secrets of the universe. They discovered the material world and the spiritual laws of the universe insight into its context. They found the elements of the cosmos and the regularities of nature, of life on earth, the universe, the forces and energies are functioning at the level of the external world and a mental level
 as well. Has been described and explained in the unity of matter and energy, the universe, the formation, operation of natural forces Ove kindergartens. Modern science has been rediscovered and confirmed those findings are. Accumulated experience and knowledge as a comprehensive, all-encompassing system was established, which is called yoga, and is a valuable, practical guidance

  sal for the body, the breath, the concentration, relaxation and in relation to meditation. Recommended the book exercises thus stood the test of thousands of years, and during that time millions of people to be helpful by. AJóga in everyday life is taught worldwide in Yoga Centres,

 schoolchildren caves!, health care facilities, health clubs, sports associations, Reha bilitációs centers and nursing homes. Suitable for all ages and requires no acrobatic skills, and sports not one, disabled, sick, convalescent individuals also allows the yoga exercise.

  The name itself indicates that Yoga can be in everyday life and applied. The exercise levels were doctors and physiotherapists co-operation, according to his counsel worked out why - the rules and precautions listed Betar next tax return - at home independently by anyone . AJóga the daily life of the exhaustive developed a holistic

 approach that takes into account not only the physical but also the mental and spiritual factors. Positive thinking, perseverance, discipline, with supreme effort, prayer, kindness and understanding form the way of self-knowledge and self-realization. AJóga goals in everyday life system - physical health - mental health - social health - mental health - self-realization and the discovery of the divine Self within

 us. achieving these goals means - love and help for all living beings - respect for life, nature and the environment, - a peaceful state of mind - a complete vegetarian diet - pure thoughts, positive living, - physical, mental and spiritual practices -. tolerance of all nations, cultures and religions towards

  Physical health Physical health is one of the cornerstones of our lives. Paracelsus rightly at the time of health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing whole.

  Preservation and restoration of health are physical exercises (asanas are) légzőgyakorlafok (Pranayama) and relaxation techniques. AJóga book in everyday life eight tiers of classic acewhich asarva Hitta Asanas (exercises for everyone) begins. The first level of preparation followed by a further seven levels which are built on one another to keep the asanas and Pranayamas. The basic practices more spe cial program was developed against back pain yoga, yoga for Joints, more time to yoga,

 yoga managers, yoga for kids. AJóga to in everyday life system more valuable exercises to keep healthy, such as hatha yoga cleansing techniques, deep relaxation (yoga nidra), Concentration Exercises (p1. Trátaka) and mudras and bandhas (special yoga techniques). Our health is important factor in the food that we buy ourselves. What we eat, affects your body and mind our habits and character resemblance - in short, the diet affects our whole being. Food is the source of physical energy and vitality.

  A balanced, healthy diet contains carbonate ga, vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, milk, dairy products, honey, sprouts, lettuce, seeds, herbs and spices - fresh, raw or provide mented. Avoided the stale, reheated and denatured (refined) food products, and meat (and all meat products), fish and eggs. Because of the detrimental health effects suk alcoholic beverages, nicotine and drugs also ignore.

 mental health instead of what we would under the control of the mind and the senses, they often are controlled by us. However, to gain control of the mind, for once introspection and internal cleansing is needed. Negative thoughts and phot lelmek disrupt the physical balance and nerve function, causing many

 diseases and suffering. Mental wellbeing is based on purity of thought, inner freedom, contentment and a healthy self-awareness. Thus, trying to gradually overcome the negative qualities and thoughts, and aim to develop positive thoughts and behavior. AJóga everyday life for too many opportunities. The mantragya spells when * the observance of ethical principles, good company

 , thought-provoking books to purify and free the mind. The self-investigation and self-examination of your knowledge is an important tool of meditation. This is based on nothing more than self-introspection and polls, almost from that promotes meditation technique. In implementing relationships with the tudatalattinkkal, desires, our complex, and prejudices viselkedésmintáink source. The practice brings its own understanding of our being - what we are and why we are so into what we are -

  self-acceptance self-actualization. It allows you to get rid of your bad qualities and habits, thereby helping to overcome the difficulties of life. Society Health Social whole village means that while we are happy, others reques pesek are to be happy, have a good relationship

 and communication is maintained with other people in the social We take responsibility for that community property dozunk tree. However, it also means that we are able to relax and experience the beauty of life. drug dependence, for example - one of the most pressing problems of our time to mention - a sign of the lack of social health.

  Alóga daily life assistance this problem can be overcome. New, positive aim, and life a new meaning. A good company will also determine the molds and forms the personality and character, it is crucial to spiritual development. AJóga everyday life system in the spirit of living means that for ourselves and for others working to make valuable and useful work done for ourselves, half of our friends,

 the society, nature and the environment in the world can protect and kéjéért. The practice Yoga means that positive action is exerted and the whole benefit of mankind we work. Healthy soul of the fundamental principles and supreme command of the humanity of the spiritual life reads Ahimsa Paramo Dharma can not hurt - it is the supreme principle That is not to hurt any regard or So, in thought, feeling and action. Mental health it prayer, meditation, mantra, positive thinking and tolerance, can we gain

 . The man should be protectors, not destroyers. Selflessness, understanding and forgiveness are the qualities that really make us human. One of the main teachings of yoga is to respect and protect -ninden manifestations of life. With this we create a broad base of mutual love, help,

  understanding and tolerance - not only in relation to each person .yek, but all people, nations, and religions. AJóga a fundamental principle of freedom of religion in everyday life. Yoga is not .allás, but the spirituality and the source of wisdom, the root of all religions.

 Transcends religious boundaries and showing the way to unity. those seeking spiritual purification aJóga you through your daily life by the mantra and kriya yoga -ága.

 Man as the most advanced creature on earth, able to make their real nature and inner Self, that is, God. spiritual yoga designed to discover the God in ourselves - that is, the individual soul with God. The first step is to recognize the common roots and with God

"Yoga in Daily Life" is good (beneficial) effects

Each of the eight levels of practice should be exercised regularly.
"Yoga in Daily Life" of eight grades should not stop after the exercise through practice.
has two options for the continuation of the exercise:

one - again go through each exercise (all levels), but deeper concentration and relaxing, or
select those practices that go particularly well, and are beneficial - of course, in accordance with the current state of mental and physical health - but in this case it is advisable from time to time in each level exercises regularly repeated.

If, because of concentration difficulties, stiffness or other physical problems a person can not perform certain exercises, they should be carried out mentally.

 This means that they should be exercised in imagination, in a way, as it should be carried out in reality. It is important to devote so much time at every practice as a real physical gyakorlásnál.

Traveling in case of fatigue, lack of practice space during illness or hospitalization when it is not possible to physical exercise, you can practice in a sitting position on the bed, or sleep position before, well, relaxed, to be carried out mentally.

If someone causes an asana it difficult to perform as it should, you should not be disappointed and do not resign the failed unit. In this case, it is advisable to keep the body in a position that is more comfortable for a while and concentrate on your breathing, or imagine a beautiful landscape

 . After a few minutes your surprise you find yourself in the perfect position. Of course, this occurs after a period of exercise.

"Yoga in Daily Life" and exercising - to realize the full impact of good - recommended to follow the yogic (lacto) and sattvic vegetarian diet.

In order to further our understanding and knowledge gain of "Yoga in Daily Life" - please, listen and read Paramhans Swami Maheshwaranandaji lectures, as the "Yoga in Daily Life"
  is not just an order of physical exercises, but the body, mind and soul deep science, so practical and theoretical study, knowledge is also required.

In order for the "Yoga in Daily Life" achieve any good effect or experience that should not be a different technique, or other thoughts into it, so they should only be exercised in the original version.

Yoga in Daily Life

 Took place on the rooftop terrace of   different yoga studios and yoga organizations in joint collaboration of the first yoga festival (although, it may be that the expo would be more appropriate term, as the festival's name). More than 80

 yoga instructor, yoga studio 30, 20 yoga trend debut in one place. The weather was fantastic all day so I could go to the tabernacle tent, and it is only fit to try to see.

 Yoga, Tibetan Yoga, Yoga in Daily Life, Agni Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Contact Yoga (doubles), baby yoga, baby yoga, maternity yoga Etka yoga, women's yoga, tantric yoga, dynamic yoga and static yoga. Arthur scoop out the way we were spoiled for choice, but I had a lot of energy to it, if someone wanted to try it all out.

The three of us joined Békéscsaba me. We focus on the (even) contact and the contact we participated in acrobatic yoga sessions. Of course, I'm not entirely sure that the acrobatic jógapózokhoz pairs conducted similar exercises how to call yoga, as far as the contemplation and meditation

 , movement out of breath sync), in each case, it was interesting, good fun, we of course the challenge was missing . It certainly can see the pictures.

As for yoga, however, in any case, a great idea (although not original, as in other countries there are different levels of yoga events for many years.) And the organizers of praise to their credit, also truly said, what should be about. Buy almost anything they could not have lunch

  and refreshments outside, which is also an advantage point counts in today's world. The diminutive yet, but enthusiastic army training camp and guests who came

 and surprisingly many people came out ...) felt really good and really could find the right one for you, if you looked hard enough. We hope you will be next year! And if you will, we are sure we will be there.
8 samadhi (sinking) contains a new procedure compared to the focus and meditation. This is called. Yoga ensztázis the best efforts of ascetics and spiritual practices of the outcome and the crown.

The contemplation of the state of samadhi, without which the categories of thought and the help of the imagination, immediately and completely grasp what it was capable of the objects. This understanding can not, but rather state ensztatikus mode of existence, which allows the entire My önfeltárulását.

Yogi reaches the state of samadhi certain psychic abilities (siddhi) acquires items regarding their experience. For example, focusing on the subconscious familiar with the remnants of the previous lives of. Similarly, to acquire the flight, the ability to become invisible. Patanjali plenty detailing these psychic

powers in the third part of the 'Yoga Sutras' 56 , but it emphasizes the risks. When the yogi reaches the Siddhis obtaining the gods (to prevent further development) tempted, offered him the divine mode of existence. This is the Yogi can not accept, as the divine mode of being is far from reaching the total freedom. The siddhis only hope of obtaining the perfect samadhi the yogi may apply.

The last stage of samadhi the yogi Arriving gain enlightenment, perfect isolation realizes, that the purusa rid of the bondage of Prakriti. "His situation is obviously controversial: it is alive, but they got rid of, has a body, it knows itself and it enjoys himself in the Purusa, the time for a period, but as part

of the immortality of samadhi is inherently 'paradoxical' status as empty. however, is chock-filled of being and thinking. means of samadhi the yogi transcends the opposites and merge the empty

  and overflowing, life and death, existence and non-existence. " 57 But it is not simply the initial non- -kettősség regain status, but also includes new elements. unity and happiness knowledge 58

1 1 3 Trends

Yoga-darsana throughout history has been to interact with different religions, systems of ideas, movements. These new components were a result of the yoga system of ideas or existing items have appreciated over, they were given greater emphasis. And these are the trends.

They rarely operate in isolation, but rather what happened was that several trends are merged, the selection of a school-made ideology. This is true even today.

The bhakti-yoga takes the direction in which confidence in the goodness of God to get a helping focus. Brahman as the divine person (not a mere világelv universal law) appears, with

whom you can develop an active, emotional connection. Obviously, the average human love, like God's desire for people to grow stronger and helped to develop this tradition. Because of theistic religions' views more easily accepted (Visnuisták, Krisnaisták, etc..). 59

The karma-yoga system analogy, the action focuses on. Center of attention is the law of karma, the spirit of trying to get out of this reorganization stems. His method is simply a spontaneous

 , altruistic activities. The principle that one should not take any kind of emotion, interest in the deeds, the more memory you unwind from them. Simply do your job, and eventually freed. 60

Jnana yoga line representing intellectualism. Of course, the metaphysical knowledge, understanding of the transcendent truths of the target. The subsequent yogi guru of management of the world is trying to make out the meaning of the sacred texts. This understanding leads to liberation. 61

Hatha-yoga is called a trend, which uses eight engineering group listed by in the first five elements (JAMA nijáma, asana, pranayama, prátjahara), so focus on the physiological practice focuses.

In parallel, often mention the Raja-Yoga, the application of which the last three practices (dharana, dhyana, samadhi), ie the typical meditation techniques. 62

The mantra-yoga trend followers primarily mantras (OM, , etc..) To purify their minds and gives them the liberation. 63

1 1 3 1 Tantra yoga

One of the broadest and most prevalent trends of tantra yoga. In the middle of the first mille

Friday, 29 August 2014

5 useful tips for beginners yoga

If you want to explore the magical world of yoga, you will need to obtain an understanding of the body and start learning this type of culture from the ground up, and then later to enjoy all the benefits.

Yoga is much more than what I see so far from it; not only postures, poses, techniques and practices in a multitude of spiritual foundations must first understand if you want to learn the technique. To help you get into the yoga of knowledge on a sound footing, we share five helpful tips about yoga, for beginners!

1) Select a location for the yoga exercises!

Find a suitable space in the apartment. This can be an empty restroom, or in a quiet room in a quiet corner of the house. Do not choose a noisy room because it interferes with your concentration and reduce the practice. A pleasant place to exercise helps you to relax and practice the correct application of both. Further research is needed to place the right to be in it (carpet, mattress ...)

2) Obtain the Necessary and fit carpet!

Yoga exercises require a lot of movement and the body of a circle is completely wrung state. Therefore, lesser or wear tight-fitting clothing that does not prevent the move. Natural materials such as cotton and hemp ideal for yoga, because they allow the natural air flow in the body.

 The synthetic materials like Lycra and spandex is a good option because both are comfortable. So, try the different materials that allow freedom of movement. Also, do not forget the yoga mattress. The carpet is easy on the body-side, kneeling, sitting and during meditation.   

3) Focus on the body and the soul

The purpose of the yoga practice to create harmony between body and soul, a kind of meditative achieve a relaxed state, which dissolves and becomes one with the body and the soul. It is therefore very important for the concentration, the focus should be on the harmony of body and soul,

 to stand, the only way to achieve a peaceful movements during the exercise of breath coupled meditation and exercise

4) Keep a log book

Do not forget to write down the master of your thoughts, experiences, and observations. Remember the more you practice everything, styles, postures, movements, correlations, and everything we have learned in the classroom. Also, note down the questions and meditation exercises to be able to submit questions to the instructor when you're there in the classroom. The diary will increase self-awareness, generate ideas and help you learn from your mistakes.

5) Be realistic expectations!

You should have realistic expectations of yoga. In other words, you should aim to be authentic, not perfection. Thus, the realistic approach allows you to learn the skills and weaknesses. Of course, you can not learn yoga in a day, so give yourself time to assimilate and develop

 knowledge of yoga. The study and practice can facilitate the life and increase self-confidence, which are able to handle the challenges and will soon become a master of the exercises.

The key is to be effective if it is interpreted as a friendly embrace yoga's role in life. Elfogasással study and learn the yoga beginner level and thereby increase his strength,   

consciously increase your concentration skills, and ultimately live you can achieve a healthier and better life to the full with him.

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Thursday, 28 August 2014

Indoor Exercise

Is a new way to practice yoga asana in which the use of special hinges, helping to properly engage muscles throughout the body and even harder to handle such positions that gravity may not be performed correctly. Yoga weightless helps relax the spine and get rid of back pain,

  stimulates brain activity, digestion and lymphatic system. Reduces moodiness and depression states. Revel in the state of weightlessness, the beauty and grace of yoga postures and harmonize body, mind and spirit. More information about yoga weightless .

Power Yoga - Dynamic exercises using yoga basics (sun salutations and yoga asanas). Exercise balances muscle imbalance and restores the natural elasticity of the spine.

   Energy Yoga - Morning Yoga exercises that will help stimulate the muscles of the entire body properly adjusts your metabolism and your mind positive mood for the whole day. 

  In this lesson uses a greeting the sun and breathing techniques. *  Hatha Yoga - Yoga at which there is a reconciliation of the movement of the body with the breath.
 We practice classical yoga asanas that are performed in longer battery life with correct breathing technique. This exercise not only affects the muscles, but also the proper functioning of internal organs (asana, breath. Exercises, mantras, meditation) * Yoga - Exercise focusing on yogic asanas.

 They learn basic breathing techniques, relaxation and concentration. Dynamic exercises of yoga asanas. There is an emphasis on smooth transitions between positions and proper breathing techniques. They learn basic techniques of positions, yoga breathing, relaxation and concentration.
Perception smooth movement and awareness of self. *  Vinyasa Flow Yoga - This is the practice of yoga postures in the rhythm of the breath. Used to practice sun salutations and to rotate positions. *
Yoga in recent years in the Western world very popular mainly because
training outside the body brings a sense of release and relaxation.
Besides the traditional types of yoga

 constantly creating new and new kinds of yoga exercises, each of which has the possibility to choose the right one, just for yourself . classic types of yoga: Hatha Yoga The word hatha is composed of two parts: the "sun" (ha) and 'moon'

 expression of feeling for the balance of complementary effects. Hatha Yoga uses the body as a tool for internal research. It helps to cleanse the body and mind. cleansing serves asanas (postures), Mudras (symbolic gestures), pranayama

 (breath control)  and covers (cleansing techniques).  Hatha Yoga is the force in the form of yoga, but not demanding such as power yoga or astanga.,52988

 Position is practiced slowly with an emphasis on design and proper breathing. It is the perfect exercise for those who want to achieve good health. Hatha

Yoga practice can also persons with physical limitations (high blood pressure, diabetes, operated joints, back pain. Etc..) Aštangajóga It is a dynamic and physically demanding type of yoga exercises. It consists of exactly the order of the positions

interconnected so that the whole formed a continuous, seamless assembly. During exercise breathing technique is used

 breath through the glottis. By practicing this type of breathing increases its intensity and strength, resulting in better shape and strengthen the body. integral part of the  - closures maintaining  (energy) in the body.

 The clock starts and ends mantras. Aštangajóga is most suitable for those who seek physical demands and have good health.

Asano follow continuously one after the other, and therefore it is very difficult to adapt to the current version or chronic problems of the individual.

 Generally it can be said that this form of yoga is beneficial not only fit, circulatory and lymphatic system, removes muscle imbalance, back pain, etc.., But when it is necessary to consider the practice of any health limitations, especially when damaged knee exercises omitted.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Yoga helps more than traditional exercise

People who suffer pain in the lower back, according to new research may help yoga exercises. Doctors found that practicing yoga, but in moderate intensity proved to be a good way to relieve pain and improve health. Experts even talk about the fact that this kind of yoga is more effective

  than conventional exercise or exercises according to the instructions of books. Yoga is by doctors bring relief from pain faster than conventional exercises.

The results of the study were published in a medical journal Annals of Internal Medicine, and giving news station CNN.

According to estimates by practicing yoga about 14 million Americans, mostly because of problems with his back. Dr. Karen J. Sherman of the Group Health

 Cooperative in Seattle, points out that the effects of yoga on pain in the lower back have not been in the scientific literature described too. For this reason, in cooperation with a team of doctors decided to perform subsequent research.

A group of 101 volunteers were divided into three groups. The first trained for 12 weeks, yoga, a second group of classic therapeutic exercise, rest followed the advice from the relevant manuals.

Group yoga instructor focused on the so-called  She is of the opinion that everyone can adjust the position while exercising their individual needs. Exercise first group led by experienced yoga instructor and saw to it that people trained at moderate intensity and too heavy a burden on your body.

After 12 weeks, showed that people from the group yoga instructor if you feel much better than those who attended the course or classic exercises followed the instructions from books.
Volunteers watched doctors continue.

 After the expiry of three months, the health status of people exercising yoga practitioners and those classic exercise balance.

The authors do not evaluate what type of exercise - whether yoga or conventional therapeutic exercise - is to help the low back pain better. "If I could choose, however

, I decided to yoga," said People practicing yoga also celebrated according to the study results less medication to relieve pain compared to the group that practiced traditional methods. It is still not clear why the practice of yoga brings relief from pain faster. Dr. Herman recalls however the connection of body and soul, which is typical for yoga. 

Vinijóga, as well as other types of yoga emphasizes the connection of body movements, breathing techniques and mental activity. In the words of Dr. Karen J. Sherman is possible that yoga allows people with back pain better realize their exercise habits and posture

. Especially those that can worsen their pain.
Some pain, especially those caused by injury or disc problems, may not always mitigate yoga. On a typical back pain with unclear causes that affect the muscles, soft tissues and the like, but apparently worth it to try yoga.

Heathrow airport yoga exercises

 SkyTeam, the global airline alliance, offering its customers a new way to relax before the flight and launching a pilot project yoga exercises in its exclusive lounge in Terminal 4 at London  airport.

The two-month pilot project is available for customers who flies from London Heathrow to any of the 13 member airlines that use this airport. Training will be equipped with yoga mats and videos demonstrating a few simple exercises.

"The design concept of each exclusive SkyTeam lounge emphasis on the well-being of customers, to create a soothing environment amidst the hectic airport terminal," said Fatima da Gloria, director of brand and communications SkyTeam.

"It is known that yoga calms the mind and body through stretching and breathing exercises - the ideal pre-flight physical activity."

The pilot exercise yoga relaxation zone extends existing SkyTeam at Heathrow Airport, which offers: wellness center with a wide range of free spa treatments, oxygen bar to recharge your batteries before departure and massage chairs.

In addition to 516 lounges worldwide SkyTeam alliance has for its customers as well as two exclusive lounges at London Heathrow and the Istanbul

  Ataturk Airport. At the end of this year plans to open a new exclusive alliance lounge at the international airport in Sydney and at the beginning of 2015, fourth in Dubai. For more information about exclusive SkyTeam lounges, click here .

SkyTeam is a global airline alliance that provides customers from member airlines provides access to an extensive international network with more destinations, more numerous boards and better continuity. Within this network, SkyTeam passengers can collect and redeem miles for loyal
  customers. SkyTeam member airlines offer their customers access to 516 lounges worldwide. 20 alliance members are: Aeroflot, , Air Europa
 Air France, Alitalia, China Airlines, China Eastern, China Southern, Czech Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Garuda Indonesia, Kenya Airways, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines,
  Korean Air, Middle East Airlines, Saudia, TAROM, Vietnam Airlines and Xiamen Airlines. SkyTeam offers its 612 million m passengers per year globally over 16,323 daily flights to 1,052 destinations in 177 countries. 

* Exercise Yoga SkyTeam will operate only for a limited time. SkyTeam shall not be liable for any injury caused during yoga exercises in the lounge.

How to lose weight belly with Yoga

Yoga is a form of exercise that originated in India thousands of years ago. Many people have adopted the practice of yoga as a specific kind of lifestyle. In the modern concept of yoga is a way to keep fit not only your body but also your mind.

  The physical part of yoga practice is achieved by special positions that strengthen and stretch the muscles. With yoga exercise burns fat and strengthens your muscles.

  There are many yoga positions that specifically target the abdominal area. Regular practice of yoga will help you lose weight and tone stomach.Yoga - exercises for belly

In the following paragraphs we introduce some basic exercises and yoga positions that focus just on the abdomen and the abdominal muscles. Yoga exercises are very easy.

  You can start with it themselves at home. You do not need to go to the fitness center or on specialized yoga classes. All you need is a little space in your apartment (or summer somewhere in nature), and a washer (feel i just an ordinary mattress).  

The basis of this position is that lay on his stomach on the mat. Bend your hands, and you put your hands on the ground. Palms should be roughly beside the ribs

 . Slowly raise your upper body above the surface. Slow, smooth motion until they are flattened by hand. The head is in a gentle Act.

Exercise at this position should be made calmly and smoothly. The aim is mainly perceived involvement of the abdominal muscles. Remember not breathe properly. Repeat the exercise ten times.

Plank Position

Another exercise is the position of the board. Prepare to starting position, which is similar to that in doing push-ups. The country only affect the palms and toes.

  The legs are slightly apart, hands (palms) are d apart about shoulder width apart. Try to keep your back straight and does not bend down.

In this position remains about 60 seconds. During this time, continuously breathe and try to perceive how they work your abdominal muscles. During the whole time trying to keep the body

 straight and does not bend down. After about one minute to return to the starting position and relax. Exercise also repeat ten times.

Position lever with a book

To perform this position you will need a book or possibly a small pillow. The default is to lay back on the mat. The hands are placed loosely along the body slightly away from the body (not far). The palms are placed on the mat.

Book or place a pillow between your knees and press (do not need much force, just so that you subsequently nevypadnula). Slowly inhale, and when that fluid motion, lift your legs up. So in order to get the right angle with the rest of the body. Back and ass are all the time in contact with the floor.

Then, as you exhale, again placing a fluid motion feet back on the mat. At all times, try to keep your knees together to give you a book or pillow nevypadnuly. The whole exercise again, repeat ten times.
Position Camel

Kneel on a mat. Knees should not be in direct contact with the floor, but on the mat. Fluid motion gradually hands touch the ankles. The head is tilted back, your body is slightly curved. Hips do try to push forward, so that the knee level. In the final position while endure, and then return to the starting position.

It was only a few basic positions of yoga exercises that activate particular muscles of the abdomen. There are many more and you yourself can choose the ones that are most suitable for you.

  The great advantage of practicing yoga is that it is not intense strength training. Give him so, even those for which the classical exercises in the gym was not right.

With yoga exercises very soon you will find that your body is solidified, it is more flexible. With regular exercise also increases your metabolic rate, which is certainly a positive effect on your weight. If you practice yoga and want to share your experiences, your comment to our discussion.

Read Also:

Walnut as a superfood

Eat nuts or nut butters? Then reduce cholesterol levels, suppress inflammatory
processes and increase metabolic activity in the body, so you support the so-called healthy
weight. Nuts are a source of quality protein. And that includes the amino acid arginine, which
is simply allowing relaxation of blood vessel walls and reduce blood pressure.

Walnut: king of nuts
Of the many studies based on our normal as the healthiest walnuts. They contain almost
twice more protective antioxidants than other types of nuts.
 Antioxidants protect
against damage of cells which are normally involved in cardiovascular and tumor

diseases and premature aging. Walnuts are a rich source of anti-inflammatory
omega 3 fatty acids and those who do not eat fish, it can replace. Nuts can also
promote weight reduction and thanks manganese content and limit premenstrual problems.

The usefulness of other nuts?
Almonds contain the most fiber and nuts are the richest source of vitamin E.
Cashew nuts are an excellent source of iron and zinc
. Iron is essential for ensuring the transmission of
oxygen into cells and zinc is essential for a healthy immune system and vision. 

Pecans contain high amounts of antioxidants may reduce the formation of fatty
deposits in the arteries. Recent medical studies, for example, found that intake of pecans
can reduce LDL cholesterol by up to 33 percent.

Just one Brazil nut can supply the recommended daily dose of selenium and example to
New Zealand where there is a lack of selenium in the soil are just Brazil nuts are recommended
to cover this deficiency. Studies indicate that the intake can prevent cancer

Macedonian most nuts contain beneficial fats the nuts. These
healthy fats lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure.

Pistachio nuts have the least calories and because of its shell is their consumption especially
suitable for weight loss, because peeling considerably slows  

down the pace and the overall amount
received food. Pistachio additionally contain magnesium, which calms the nerves and muscles and vitamin B6
beneficial to support the immune system and improve mood.

Efficacy studies confirm
The facts do not come from growers of nuts, but summarize the results of scientific studies. In
All are links to two recent studies published in prestigious medical

How does meditation

There are many types of meditation, which vary in complexity. Some have strict and regulated procedures, others just general recommendations. If meditation is performed regularly,

says that helps us create habitual and unconscious patterns of behavior that can be versatile and positive impact on our physical and mental functioning. It is shown that meditating 15 minutes twice a day brings benefits.

Reply parasympathetic
Most theories are based on the assumption that meditation is a sophisticated form of relaxation, which includes concept called the parasympathetic response. Mental stress is associated with activation of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, which includes in its extreme reaction

"attack - escape". Meditation ai any form of rest or relaxation causes a reduction in sympathetic activity by reducing the leaching of catecholamines and other stress hormones such as cortisol

, and vice versa encourage increased parasympathetic activity. It slows the heart rate and improves the flow of blood to the bowels and outside peripheral area.

Other neurophysiological effects
Other supporters of meditation say that meditation has a unique influence on processes. But this claim has not been proven. Research carried out in the framework of the " for research meditation"

suggests that during meditation according to Sahaja Yoga activates the limbic system. Constantly observe large effects of meditation on the body, such as. Mood changes.
What we mean by meditation

The most important problem, which in this research we deal with is the clear definition of meditation and after its submission to scientific testing. Meditate layman understand any activity in which

one's attention is focused on the repetitive process of learning. This definition is too broad in the opinion of the "Programme for research meditation" major cause of inconsistent findings made in this research.
Absentminded attention

If we give more attention to the authentic tradition of meditation, we find that meditation is obviously discrete and well-defined state experience, which is called "mindless attention."

 It is a condition in which excess brain activity and stressful neutralized without disrupting the efficiency and alertness of mind.

The beneficial power of yoga:

Everyone wants to be healthy, happy and satisfied. We all strive for in our own way. Especially these days, however, people around the world suffer more from stress and burdens so that they can not hold as ever in the history of mankind. After trying again and again to calm down and relax, but to no avail, for hypnotic, sedative for turning, things like alcohol and seek shelter.

Yoga teaches us that peace and contentment can only be found when restoring all levels of our being and existence is in the balance. We know that there are many aspects of our being: the physical body, the mental body, subtle body, causal body. If you want to be happy and satisfied, they both should avoid balance. yoga methods and techniques for the perfect way to offer to our goal:

  methodically and progressively lead to the postures (asanas), through breathing exercises (pranayama), relaxation, meditation and positive thinking, physical health of peace and self-knowledge. they also help to get rid illúzióinktól, komplexusainktól, which would prevent that to live a happy and full life.

yoga, above all, practical way in which everything will need to be achieved and implemented. No one can give us health, happiness and satisfaction. They did not buy it, nor third-party tools can not reach. Only lie in us and the fruits of their efforts, we can find them and they can be implemented.
 Fulfillment, the road gradually discover the inherent characteristics of our feelings, ships and bad ones alike.
I can say that the yoga path many times heavier than the valiant warrior fights because of the legal internal enemies to defeat, desire, anger, attachment, greed, jealousy and pride.

  's very important that in this battle to understand and accept ourselves and be ready to give up all bad habits, which are bound by true selves. were

the yoga practices and methods of the system, which lead to the enlightenment, but only if you have confidence, discipline and firm determination to practice them. These techniques are a part of the ancient treasures of knowledge, spiritual teachers have handed down to their students over the millennia.
There are several yoga journey, but they are inseparable 
 . At every level of our development of a particular branch of yoga, we need at the same time also depends on the student inside

The karma is right for the sake of others, - all being in favor of -. selfless work in
the bhakti yoga of devotion to the love and the noble ideals of the implementation of road.

  A jnana yoga is the knowledge deepening and development and the laws of existence disclosure.
A Raja and Hatha yoga consists of techniques that develop physical skills and to help the intellektusunkban minds and unleashing latent possibilities.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Fitness club "TITAN"

Fitness club "TITAN" is one of our recent projects for kotorgo project was developed and installed the equipment, which is one of the best - "Life Fitness" and "Hammer Strenght"

  examples of brand in the Baltics.The club set "Life Fitness" exercise machines and free weights area is equipped with a "Hammer Strenght". TRX/Kettlebell Iron Circuit Power     
 is a killer 50-minute, high-intensity workout that will have you welcoming the built-in rest breaks.

While the first DVD focused on muscle sculpting and fat blasting, Iron Circuit Power is designed to build your strength and muscle mass. This DVD includes a video library showing exercise progressions and modifications, comprehensive TRX set-up and use instructions, an 18  

 -minute intro to kettlebell training, over 15 minutes of warm up and cool down, and a durable guide complete with instructions for each exercise.   

Infinity Fitness concept is based on three main principles: quality, balance and concentration. When we developed the concept of a fitness center and chose the necessary equipment,

 we followed these principles.The gym is equipped with the latest Life Fitness gym equipment.The fitness center also has a health bar, a spa area and a sun terrace.

Life Fitness Integrity Cross

 Life Fitness Integrity Cross Trainer is built for comfort uppermost in mind. It is ergonomically designed to support exactly the right trajectory and has proven durable - a hallmark of Life Fitness products. This device takes the cross trainer workout to a whole new level.

Read more about the product here . "JDC" - "Jurmala dance center" is the level of fitness and dance school, which is located in Jurmala. It has a wide range of dance and aerobics halls,
  as well as new and modern gym. Jurmala Dance Center is one of the few Latvian clubs that can boast a stylish design and functional layout. Technically Jurmala Dance Centre project we implemented a very short time.

 Owners desire was to install only the highest club level, ilgspēlējošu equipment. Club designed by our designer. Areobikas Hall was charged Pavigym special sports flooring ,

 while the dance hall Boen maple wood flooring. Helped to equip rooms with mirrors and professional sound equipment. All the dressing room installed in      

 German production quality  metal wardrobes that matched according to the club's colors and design. Gym was installed premium fitness equipment from Life Fitness, and the introduction of  free weights . The club is also available on our supplied aerobic equipment from Reebok.

Monday, 25 August 2014

If you do not like the fitness club "burziņš" and you want to sport a lot more personal and more common in the atmosphere, with our help, it is possible to do at home.Iekārtosim and install physical activity zones both in the apartment and the house, taking into account both your wishes,

the interior, as well as substantive as possible.  Club Series exercise bike is a combination of motivating workouts and unparalleled comfort

 . For this exercise bike is possible to connect the iPod in addition to entertainment. is kvalitīvi, reliable and durable, they are ergonomically biometric.

  With the Club Series exercise bikes will be provided with the highest quality training and comfort.F3 runway high-quality components ensure durability simulator.

  F3 connecting with the base console workout you'll get an easy-to-use interface with the exercise program that includes everything you need to maintain an effective fitness workout.

This glove is determined

This glove is determined to whole public for power training and fitness both women and men of all performance levels. The glove is made from high-class leather that is perforated

 on upper part of fingers due to better ventilation and sweat’s drain. On palm side the double layer of leather is used filled with special

 padding. Both layers are stitched anatomically for precise handle and keeping maximal solidity and durability. On the back of hand a very lasting and durable 3-   

 way Lycra is used. Further, 4-way Lycra among the fingers is used to ensure long durability of this extra strained place.

 Velcro finishes elastic belt around the wrist Life Fitness story began over 40 years ago with the idea and the vision to create a variety of fitness equipment. Something that would commit and inspire skiers to do more, to challenge themselves.

This vision was born the world's first electronic fitness equipment, Lifecycle exercise bike. Long-term commitment to comprehensive product development and partnership has resulted in the world's premier

 commercial fitness industry as a company with more than 400 kinds of products are delivered to thousands of commercial and home fitness customers worldwide.

Throughout its history, Life Fitness is dedicated to continuously develop better, more efficient

The company Fitness

The company Fitness Anywhere was created in 2005. Its founder is Randy , an ex-professional soldier from a USA Marine Corps. The company manufactures original, innovative and high quality products – workout programmes, concepts, accessories for both professional athletes and fitness experts,

 as well as for clietnts and USA army needs. The most famous product is TRX Suspension Trainer, a universal and mobile training system, a true revolution in fitness, as it changes the usual way of working
 out for athletes before the championships, for soldiers before a field task, and for fitness instructors’

clients for their goals. The palm is made from double Amara ply equipped with comfortable stuffing divided into individual sectors and completed with anatomic stitching.

  Thanks to this technology any spanning or deformation of the glove is impossible. Newly shaped reinforcement layer continues expanded individual sectors in the palm and becomes absolutely functional unit.

The back part is made from Amara and 100% Polyester 4-way Lycra. Two specially shaped insets causing small pre-bending the glove (respecting natural bending the fingers) are used ensuring better grasping

  the dumb-bell or the adaptors (without any spanning or deformation of the glove). The back part and the fingers‘ area are divided into 9 sectors, elastically consolidated by fine Lycra that increases the flexibility and prevents from deformation of Amara (Flex & Fit).

The part among the fingers is made from 100% Polyester 4-way Lycra.

Around the wrist a comfortable elastic strip is used.

The velcro as stopper on the anatomically shaped loop is used.

Amara 65%, 35% polyester